Triangle Accent Wall


Triangle Accent Wall - Pinterest

Triangle Accent Wall!

To be honest, when I initially saw this trend blow up on TikTok, I was OBSESSED. There’s nothing like creating a good piece of artwork that literally takes up an entire wall in your house.

Of course, it’s hard to find an appropriate place to paint a bunch of shapes on a wall in your house when you’re a 30 something who likes to decorate with lots of whites and grays. Luckily, I have two little girls who love pink and their room is a totally appropriate place to put up a wall full of bright colors and crazy shapes.

I chose their closet, as it needed a makeover anyway.

Triangle Accent Wall


Painter’s Tape

Paint Brush


Post-It Notes

Step-By-Step Instructions:

First, I picked my wall. As I said, I chose to use the toddler closet.

I removed all the shelving and filled in all the holes in the wall. Then, I actually painted the whole wall white, so my lines would all be white between my triangles.

I used painter’s tape to create triangles. The only advice I have for this part is to start with some long lines and then do cross sections. Don’t make the triangles too small or they will be hard to paint. I let the kids help with this part. Though I did end up removing a bunch of their contributions. Don’t tell…

I wasn’t too concerned with the shapes being perfect. It was the back wall of a closet after all, but I did make sure they looked consistent.

Next, I actually used Post-It notes to mark where I wanted each color painted. I found this to be an effective way to visualize the end result before painting. It was also another step the littles could help with.

Then I used a good quality paint brush to start painting. I knew I wanted some gold accents, so I started with that. I tried to space them out really well. I didn’t want a ton of shiny gold on the wall. Just a few spots.

I couldn’t find a gold paint at the hardware store, so I bought an acrylic one from Michaels.

Next, I painted some blue. I used leftover paint we had from when we painted the walls in the bedrooms. It was perfect, because it matched the color that was already there. I positioned that color so there was more of it than the gold, but less than there would be of the pink.

I filled in the rest of the triangles with a bright pink color.

It was a sample color I got at the hardware store. I love using samples for all sorts of projects. Cheap and easy.

I did end up doing two layers for each color, and when they were all dry, I peeled away the painters tape.

The kids LOVED IT! So did I. It certainly wasn’t something I could’ve gotten away with in any other room in my house, but it was funky and fun!

I even dedicated a TikTok video to the experience.


It was one of the easiest projects ever! Though I did use quite a bit of tape…

Show me your triangle accent walls! Follow me on Instagram @thecraftcrib and tag me in your photos!